Ukraine Donations
Thank you to everyone who has donated! Quick update, we have been working everyday this week at the nursing home. On March 3rd, we...

Approximately 40 boxes packed and air shipped to Poland today (Feb. 28) for Ukraine. We also need to send out some Trauma packs, If...

National Day of Service MLK Day!
Be The Change had junior volunteers and families assembling 59 boxes, loaded with all sorts of goodies including meat, eggs, and milk!...

Pandemic Support
Due to the intense cold weather and upcoming snow storm, we took to the streets and were able to give out some hot meals and warm things...

Want to Change the Landscape for Peace One Garden at a Time? Join us in this exciting project!
Newark is the largest city in New Jersey. The crime rate in Newark is higher than the national average with a rate of 46 crimes per one...

Myrle Ave
A Call for Change: Imagine looking out of your bedroom window and seeing a half torn down hospital building with rubble hanging from all...